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हर शाम इकाठे हुए कई सवाल

और ना करेंगे अकेले विचार
मिल्कर हल ढूंडे कई हज़ार
बैठक लगाने का करेंगे कल फिर इंतजार


After finishing the daily chores in Kutch, it’s the lazy summer evenings that are dedicated to chit chat. These meetings almost become a ritual where men sip their chai and women embroider beautiful pieces of clothing.


The collection is inspired by these meetings/baithaks that are not only a source of entertainment but also time for creation. Using the traditional kutchi silhouettes as a base, we have created garments suitable for our Baithaks of today.


The all white collection with hints of color, is reminiscent of the white desert with its lively inhabitants making it vibrant. The garments are a mix of men’s and women’s silhouettes, kediyo top overlays, chorno(dhoti) kameez set, abha cholis, kanjari shirt, kurta dresses, in cotton voile with bead and tanka hand embroidery.


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